Showing: 11 - 20 of 24 Articles

Feel Empowered

I am very glad I participated in the PPP program. It was very much worth my time and the cost. I learned so much and feel empowered to fuel my body better and have a positive relationship with food instead of stressing about what I shouldn’t be eating. I have been able to change the way I eat for breakfast and make that meal serve my body in a more …

Knowledge That Changed My Life

I am not being hyperbolic when I say that what I learned in the Positive Plate Program has changed my life. I am walking away from this 12 week program with so much knowledge and confidence that I can tackle any nutritional barrier in my life with a little bit of mindfulness and a whole lot of positivity. Megan is clearly an expert in her field, but she is also …

Helped me set attainable goals

Megan’s positive plate program was simple and pragmatic. It really helped me set small attainable nutrition goals. For me this was very motivating because I wasn’t complacent about daunting health goals.

Look at food in a more positive way

“I have really enjoyed the Positive Plate Program. I am drinking more water and can recognize my dehydration queues, I have learned how important fiber and protein are for me to stay fuller longer, I am trying to slow down when eating and notice fullness queues, and have really worked on increasing the number of fruits and veggies I eat/day. This program really helped me look at food in a …

Well-balanced on science and how to make it work for you.

This was an overall great course! Gives a good basis and framework for thinking about and interacting with your own diet. Lots of good science, both on the “what food does to your body” end and the “behavioral psychology” end. Very approachable. I especially want to emphasize the well-balanced part, because it’s easy to just learn about the science of stuff, but keeping it within the framework of “real life …

In Tune With My Body

My goal in doing the Positive Plate Program was to get the nutritional education I needed to build life sustaining habits. This program gave me that and more. In addition to nutritional education, I learned the fundamentals in building good habits and how to listen and be in tune with my body. I learned that it’s ok to make a mistake and how not to beat myself up about it, …

Forever Changed The Way I Approach Eating

I think everyone can benefit from participating in the Positive Plate Program. It has forever changed the way I approach eating and has improved my relationship with food. Megan’s approach is more than just good information, it’s a template for self improvement. In a world full of muddied messages about health and nutrition, Megan provides solid and sound information that you can trust. If you are looking to truly improve …

Confidence To Own My Nutrition

The Positive Plate Program is an educational, empowering program that gave me confidence to own my nutrition and pick what I want to eat in a balanced and healthy way rather than relying on dictated meal plans or prepackaged meals. I think anyone, regardless of their background, who is done with fad diets and wants to understand nutrition in an adaptable way so that they can take charge of their …

I Have The Tools And The Confidence

This program gives people the ability to make the best decisions about their nutrition while staying away from diet culture. Rather than a restrictive program, Megan focuses on what we can add to our diets to become more healthy. Megan gave specific details on how much protein, fiber, fat, etc. that we should consume. It was never fear based but rather embraced a love for food and healthy eating. I …

Better Relationship With Food

I learned so much in a short amount of time! I learned how to be less judgmental and to find ways to improve instead of beating myself up over one choice. It really taught me to have a better relationship with food. It helped me to pay better attention to how I was feeling my body and its response. It has helped me learn to make better choices but to …