What will be your story?
What will your eating and relationship with food look like in 12 weeks? How about in 2 years?
Before this course I felt hopeless
Heartily Recommend
World Of Difference
Life Changing
Make Changes That Stick!
Confident and Relaxed
Free and Confident
Highly Recommmend
Food Is Not The Enemy
The Best Money I May Have Ever Spent On Myself
So Freeing
My Toolbelt Is Full Of Skills
Feel Empowered
I have been able to change the way I eat for breakfast and make that meal serve my body in a more beneficial manner. It’s been great to see those changes already! I have also learned a lot of new techniques to help me make healthier choices in feeding my family. I hope to be able to share what I’ve learned with my children to help them make healthier choices and establish good eating patterns in their lives. So grateful I have been able to access so much practical and applicable wisdom and knowledge from Megan’s PPP!
Knowledge That Changed My Life
Free of the ‘diet’ mindset that kept me stuck and struggling for so long!
Read more “Free of the ‘diet’ mindset that kept me stuck and struggling for so long! “
Helped me set attainable goals
Megan’s positive plate program was simple and pragmatic. It really helped me set small attainable nutrition goals. For me this was very motivating because I wasn’t complacent about daunting health goals.
Look at food in a more positive way
Well-balanced on science and how to make it work for you.
Read more “Well-balanced on science and how to make it work for you.”
In Tune With My Body
Forever Changed The Way I Approach Eating
Confidence To Own My Nutrition
Long Term Results
No Fear Of Failure…Only Progress”
What I am loving most about working with Megan is the ease. No pressure. No fear of failure…only progress towards a more positive way. I look at food, nutrition, exercise so positively, I love it! Living for now instead of continually looking for some “endpoint” in the future where I’ll be satisfied.